Part No.RG & UL TypeConductor ODCore OD FillersShield Type CoverageJacket ThicknessOD InchesCapacitance ImpedanceVP %
14760CM/CL2 Non-Plenum#20 19/32 TC  0.0380.17TCBS 93%FR-PVC 0.0210.150 +/-0.00519.7 78 Ohms66%
16414CM/CL2 Non-Plenum#25 7/33 TC 0.0220.088TCBS 93%FR-PVC 0.0250.242 +/-0.01019.7 78 Ohms66%
16414CM/CL2 Non-Plenum#25 7/33 TC 0.0220.088TCBS 93%FR-PVC 0.0250.242 +/-0.01019.7 78 Ohms66%
16415CMP/CL2P Plenum#20 19/32 TC 0.0380.17TCBS 93%HALAR 0.0160.225 +/-0.01019.7 78 Ohms70%
5201CM/CL2 AB-Data Hwy#20 7/28 TC 0.0380.17AMFoil+TCBS 57%FR-PVC 0.0220.242 +/-0.01019.7 78 Ohms66%
30078CMP/CL2P AB-Data Hwy#20 7/28 TC 0.0380.17AMFoil+TCBS 85%HALAR 0.0160.216 +/-0.01018.9 78 Ohms70%
5211CM/CL2 IBM 7362211#20 7/28 TC+BC 0.0380.2362AMFoil+TCBS 86%FR-PVC 0.0260.330 +/-0.01015.5 100 Ohms66%
5212CMP/CL2P IBM 8330842#20 7/28 TC+BC 0.0380.2092AMFoil+TCBS 85%HALAR 0.0160.264 +/-0.01014.7 100 Ohms70%
16416CL2 Non-Plenum#19 Solid BC 0.0360.2092 SPCBS 98%FR-PVC 0.0340.428 +/-0.00512.6 124 Ohms66%
16419CL2P Plenum#19 Solid BC 0.0360.282 SPCBS 98%KYNAR 0.0150.420 +/-0.01011.9 124 Ohms70%
16417CM/CL2 Non-Plenum#25 19/37 TC 0.0230.17TCBS 95%FR-PVC 0.0280.420  +/-0.01012.3 124 Ohms66%
16418CMP/CL2P Plenum#25 19/37 TC 0.02330.17TCBS 95%HALAR 0.0150.225 +/-0.01011.5 124 Ohms70%
5231CM/CL2 Non-Plenum#22 19/34 TC 0.0310.278AM Foil + #22 7/30 TC DrainFR-PVC 0.0350.350 +/-0.0108.5 150 Ohms78%
16420CL2P Plenum#22 19/34 TC 0.0310.278AM Foil + #22 7/30 TC DrainHALAR 0.0150.312 +/-0.0108.5 150 Ohms78%

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